8th Cholistan Jeep Rally
12 years ago
Sudhan Tribe which is now a days residing in Azad Kashmir is discussed in Particular and Rest of the world in General. Sudhans have a long history and very less is available on the WEB. Therefore the urge was felt for having some here. Anyone having some interest is welcome and do leave your comments so that I have some idea as to how it is working and how people find it or feel about it.
All of above comments are Aggressive and shows the original Hypocrisy of those persons whose life pass away in a ethically low standard so they always think with their bad level of thinking even they have no social and moral standard in humanity. They have no knowledge about the history of their forefather lives, and they have no specific moral family background. They always crop up their concepts in a very horrific approach so all of above concepts are totally dishonest.
And in my view Sudhan tribes have a immense history in every part of their lives. They also have remarkable family background with eminent social and moral arena. Before argue against any nation or tribe its very important to study their history. So all of people who put their comments here consider one thing that don’t lose your ethical standard
salam to all
i am totally agree with sardar zafar .if any body want to crticise on any tribe then first of all he must study the history of that nation or tribe and afterward he can comment and criticise.....
Sudhan tribe is a brave tribe and have long history of bravery and struggle against dogra rule....
no doubt sudhan is working in every walk of life and perform very efficiently and ramarkable work in every field of life.
Especially sudhan tribes work in military because very brave and hard hearted...
i also request to sardar afzal that plz delte baseless remarks against sudhan tribes...
Sudhan is a tribe with great and gigantic history not only in Kashmir but also in Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have history which is based on self respect. The people of this tribe are brave, honest, straight forward, trustworthy and loyal to its nation/country and islam. They are not selfish like other tribes e.g Rajput(Kasvee), Gujar, Abasi, Duli etc
sudhans are the best as they always consider peace more than war but when ur own leader is ur rigid enemy/u can say thieves r growing in ur own home raping ur mother daughter and sister,burninng fields and huts of poor then i guess self esteem should awake before all ur house is washed
sudhan is a super most repected tribe as they have moral values they r brave enough to live alone in the jungle then to live like dogs in the city
I disagree with the comments made by annonymous alledging the sudhans that they have no moral values. If we peruse the list of prominent sudhan leaders in the field of civil service, military and all other walks of life, we may find sudhans at the top. this proves their honesty, dignity, impartiality, high moral values,efficiency and excellance in all walks of life. Anybody before alledging the sudhans should think twice regarding the services rendered by sudhans in all walks of life.
Further, if a person can prove the allegations he should clearely come up with his name and identity rather than being annonymous as his act of being annonymous shows his cowardice and he may be placed in the rank of fox.
Anonymous I am Disagreeeee With You Because I Have All History Of Sudhans,From Adam A.S,And If You Want To know Who Are Sudhans Contect Me Or Read Mr Michel Smiths Book Named Reigning Family Of Lahore & pakistan an old country new nation by ian stephen.And i am totally agree with sardar zafar.If Any One Want TO Know SUDHANS History Contect Me BELOW Is My Cell Number and E Mail addres.
00923235203123 & 00923345090616
I have gone through the above comments about Sudhan tribe. I think the persons who put thses comments needs moral and ethical schooling. It looks ridiculous and nothing more than the indication of retarted mentally. Sudhan tribe engulfed a glorious history around it. It is one of the royal tribes had been chosen by the British official to serve in British Army because of it's intellegence, bravery, commanding capabilities and commitments. On the basis of that military training Sudhan tribe musttered up it's courage against Dogra's army and and liberated a part of Kashmir, otherwise those who have such comments about Sudhan tribe would have been Dogra's dish washers as they were before 1947.
to say that sudhans were faitfull to dogra regime is completely wrong infact sudhan tribe was the one who kicked dogras out of azadkashmir.sudhans have a rich history of bravery and the sudhans tribe produce some great leaders like sardar froze ali khan from sudhnoti and sardar abriam khan from poonch distt, who played a key role in indepandence of azadkashmir
Actually I did not put these comments to brak someone's heart. I am from Kashmir & i know all about it. Also our aim is to take the other part of our dearest homeland...but my brothers..how much problems your tribe gave me...you all cannot imagine....i know all are not same, but some time we cannot control our self. I am sorry if some body is hurt from my comments.
So please don't be angry...I will avoid in future.
But you know when somebody crate too much problem for a gentle human, his reaction will be very bad. so I again say sorry, specially for those who feel bad about my comments.
USMAN KHAN.............. Mr.Mazher your life experience with sudhans is unfortunate but i feel your hate for sudhan is because of your personal experience.U MASKED HISTORY AND HENCE SHOWED DISHONESTY. SUDHANS fought bravely againest dogras.ITS HISTORY MAN............BE TRUE WITH YOURSELF AND DONOT CREATE HATE and study history by impartial author
Asalam o Alikum
My dears....!
I apologize for my comments. But sometimes we cannot control ourself, anyway all those who live in Kashmir are respectful.
Again I am sorry.
Hope you all will ignore my mistake.
kashif kahn.......
i m extremly hurt to see what mr . mazhar has written above.
i cant believ wat mr.mazhar said ,sudhans has nothing to do with education and islam...
if we hav alook at the literacy rate ao ajk the sudhan area i mean rawlakot and pallandri are the leading areas...wherever i went in pakistan and abroad in any leadind institiue of world i found sudhanms doing gr8 there....even in my village i hav seen lots of graduates who r either doing small jobs or serving in army on small ranks or working abroad and some r even unemployed....if we visit universities in rawalpindi,islamabad.lahore we will find lots of bright sudhan students more than any area of ajk...in leading universities of UK ,canada nad germany i met lots of students from our area...i think the sudhans hav much more exposure to education than any body else in the whole pakistan...
and such ppl who just dont realize the reality and just throw things without knowing the realities are actualy the culprits ..these are thses ppl who become the cause of hatred between ppl on ethnic basis...i was realy hurt to raed the views of mr mazhar...
and believ mi in any field be it ,medical,engineering,agriculture,dentisaryy,education,civil services,army specialy,bussines,politics in fact in any field u will find bright sudhan ppl.......and if i talk abour sudhans bravery i need a whole day nad i dont think this page would be enough...mr .i m really hurt and dissapointd at ur remarks and i think u need to get a life...
Asalam O Alaikum
i am ali, doing job in pakistan Fedral Govt. i really surprised and disappointed to view the comments of Mr. Mazhar about sudhan tribe. i have a firm believe that all humans have equal rights wther they beolong to any family or tribe.But comments of Mr. Mazhar are biased and shows his dishonest character and poor mental level. He nothing knows about history and Islam.. i pray May Allah give him right way of thinking..
I also request to kindly remove his biased comments immediately.
Sardar Najeeb,
The comments from Mr. Mazhar shows his lower mentality and complex. Sudhan having a precious history with very attractive present. Logically, it can be proved with career in Civil Services, Armed forces, engineering, medical, politics and in social scanrio. We are not in any complex and think that other tribes having the same lust and social rights. But due to complex and confusion if one tribe cannot exercise than what the Sudhan can do for them. Sudhan has did too much for all tribes. Mr. Mazar can we arranage a discussion event on the topic, i can participate in that. Please confirm me on sadozai_77@yahoo.com
I will wait for your confirmation, date, time and venue. Even i am abroad but will attend discussion with you.
Asalam o Alikum
I apologize from all, about my comments.
Hope you all will ignore my mistake.
If I got a chance to meet anyone of you in life, I will surely share my problem.
Anyway now we have relations with sudhan family.
My Mamu got married from a Sudhan family of Mang.
Again I am sorry.
I am sorry to say to those who are against Sudhans, instead of spending their energies and time to devalue Sudhans tribe, they should try to dig out history and find their ancestors. because all who were Ghakhar(now Kiani), Doondh(now Abbasi), Kasvi(now Rajpoot), Hoteel(now Mughal),Tezyal(now Rajas)and many more. it's only Sudhans tribe who provided them liberation, education and jobs. then they became able to find new words to attach with their tribes, otherwise they did not know who they are and came from where.(Simply they should try to find their real fathers)
Hello Everybody.......!
Eid Mubarak.
Don't forget to remember those who are struggling in Indian occupied Kashmir & recently in Pakistan because of Flood.
Whenever any bad time knocked the doors of Kashmiri people, only Sudhans(Sudozai)tribe come in front and defend the whole Kashmir. Two big examples, one in 1947 when Dogras soldiers had decided to ruin the prestige of ladies, the men of other tribes were sneaking into maze(Makaai) fields, then that was Sudhan tribe who taught them a lesson.
2nd was, when Muslim conference government embezzled the rights of Kashmiri youth(University graduates) by inducting more than 450 Ulloos(No proper degrees for proper posts). those rights were re-instated and advocated by Sudhan leader. That's how the Sudhan tribe is royal (Published in a U.K based magazine)
who is the mad bad remarls about sudhans mybe7
I am a Sudhan. I was born and raised in England, but my parents are from Poonch.
I came from a very strong community of Sudhans and we maintain links with each other even though we are second generation Brits. My point is there appears to be a lot of negativity towards Sudhans however how many other tribes can state with convictions they know their routes as well as the Sudhans know their own.
They may have well stolen, they may have well been thieves and I don't know my history to comment on this, but I do know at times you have to try and survive by any means necessary. It’s stated that they stole from Dogra however no one has sought to verify this fact or consider why they were stealing.
The other point made by a number of the other bloggers is that Sudhans are not Muslims... Only Allah can be the judge of that. I have recently visited Kashmir (non Sudhan areas) and would question their faith in Islam however it is not my place to do so.
I came on this website because I wish to learn about my heritage and retain the Sudhan connection that my forefathers have worked so hard to establish and have managed to maintain. In a time when it's each person from themselves we still have some level of community spirit and a sense of identity. So if anyone out there knows of Sudhan networking circles anywhere in the worled I will be very interested to learn about them, as I wish to make contact in order to continue the Sudhan connections.
One more thing I come from a very close knit Sudhan community and from my generation (adults and young people aged between 20-40) by the grace of god we are all educated to at least a graduate level... so what have we contributed to the education system in Kashmir? ... Our intelligence.
Thank You.
Ms Khan
this is sardar saad from tain,
what the hell are you saying about the persons whom skinned were removed they were the freedom fighters,you bloody jealouse cant hide this truth
Salam to all. I belong to Sudhan tribe by Blood and our forefather named Boota travelled from Poonch about 2-300 years ago and now settled in Lala Musa District Gujrat with few of our relatives. It was not possible to contact in Past due to lack of fast communications like today. Me Dr.Ghulam Farid in King Fahad Central Hospital, Jazan, Saudia. now and plan to visit Poonch area of our forefathers. doctorfarid4@hotmail.com
hello to all
i m really hurted an shocked to c the comments against sudhans. i request u all to plz be care full about your ethics cz ur words show who r u. Sudhans have great identity, history n never allow aany one to exploit such blddy things abou them.
well i wanna share sme words about Sudhans histroy so that those who call them theives and currpt and bla bla understand what Sudhans are????? Sudhans belong to branch of The King from bani Israeal named TALOOT who fight for Allah and died.in the era of BAKH NASAr a christian ruled over Bait ul Mukadas and killed Bani Israeal so some of the tribes of Bani Israeal moved towards Kohe Suleman, Kohe Ghor and to arab . in the era of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD a person from these tribes called KAIS ABDUL RASHEED became muslim. He was the person who killed 70 kufars and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD said about him" Till the end of the world Kais abdul rasheed family will be the sword of ISlam" he moved toward kharasan and started the prtechings of Islam.We Sudhans are from the Sudhu Khan (16th generation of Kais Abdul Rasheed)so called by the referance of Sudhu Khan as Sudhans.Sudhu Khan had 5 sons. One named Khizer khan (Ahmed Shah Abdali belong to his generatin) and one name was Abu Ali Khan(Jessa Khan belong to his generation). The sudhans residing in Poonch belongs to Jessa Khan who migrated to AJK in 1300A.C.We are not the thieves we r not currpts.This was just an over view about Sudhans.So those who have a great histroy hw cud be non-muslims and thieves.
Thanks to the viewers/readers and thanks for your valueable comments. It's nice to have discussion on any post to this blog. The purpose is to generate a good discussion and moreover it is a great learning for us all. But unfortunately I see some comments which are either offensive or based on hatred. It is not acceptable here. Therefore I 'm deleting all the comments which are either not related or offensive. All viewers and readers are advised to consider my request before posting your comments. It would be appreciated.
Thanks. Aamer
Sardar for life
I suppose it would be more appropriate if we share something good and informative.
Thanks to all Sardars
i today feel proud to be a part of this elite tribe...
Elite in all respects...
They are brave, confident, strong, elegant and above all staunch Muslims...
All those against it may have a jealousy factor i wud say but one thing is for sure if u cant see someone feeling proud of his nation so u better stay quiet...
I Love to be a Sudhan....
Sardar Nasir Azam Khan- Rawalakot Azad Kashmir...
East or West.....Sudhan are the Best....
Sardar for life
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Sudhan ( saduzai ) ki complete history Jany k leay muj se contect kreny rawalkash@gmail.com
For all history off saddozai (sudhan) contect me rawalkash@gmail.com
For all history off saddozai (sudhan) contect me rawalkash@gmail.com
Just google it .... if some one want to find some thing... its 21st century world is seeking for future you are still hung on past history wtf
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